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Verschiedene Rigsysteme lassen den Metalshad seine Stärken voll ausspielen und eine Vielzahl von Raubfischen überlisten.


2,50 €Price

Package content:

5 pieces (6 cm)

4 pieces (8 cm)

available in 6 different colors

The Metalshad has a sickle tail, "which is also unique", which does not have a sweeping movement like, for example, a plate tail. Due to its slightly rotating and flapping movement, the tail emits a very high frequency in the water. The side fins on the rear part give an additional vibration. The entire body is slightly flanked. The head shape offers many options for adding different features. Be it with a spinner blade, a glass rattle in the back of the head, silicone skirts in the stomach area or a stinger directly through the body of the rubber fish. But it is also very suitable as a topwater with a twin hook.

  • Softbait made of TPE

    Product description:

    • Sustainable and environmentally friendly material
    • Approximately 100x longer lasting than conventional rubber baits!
    • Biologically safe and brilliant colors!
    • No corrosive smell of chemicals!
    • No more oily or greasy fingers when assembling!
    • Withstands even the sharpest pike teeth!
    • The Metalshad floats and, due to its strong buoyancy, can be perfectly presented “standing” on the bottom or on the surface!
    • Hook channel for easy assembly!
    • Perfect surface thanks to injection molding!
    • Ideal ecological balance from the raw material to the packaging!
    • Everything about this product comes from Germany!
    • Environmentally friendly due to extremely long service life!
    • Can easily be stored together with Moby softbaits in one box, but should never be stored together with other conventional rubber baits!

    Made in Germany

    In case he should ever have deformed! Simply boil im water and the Metalshad regains its original shape within seconds!

    These softbaits should not be stored in the same box with conventional rubber lures. The aggressive softeners from the other baits are stubborn and attack our material.

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